"Resistance is useless!" "Say it like you mean it, Carl!" "I DO mean it! Will you stop using my name? The H-E-A-T-H-E-N might hear." "Damn it Carl, just because hes not saved it doesnt mean he cant spell." "Stop swearing Dave! It shows your lack of control over Satans pernicious influence." "Carl do you even know what pernicious means?" "Yes. It means forget it. Lets get back to business. Why dont we try to brainwash I mean convert him together." "OK Count of three." "ONE!" shouted Carl. "TWO!" shouted Dave. "THREE!" shouted Paul "WOULD YOU TWO KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP! IM TRYING to SLEEP!!!" Carl and Dave shut the fuck up. Although they were teenage bible beaters and used to being verbally abused, they really had no idea what the hell they were doing. They had never kidnapped anyone before. Paul went back to sleep, in an atypically virile fashion. Paul was the alpha male in the room, although he was bound to two card tables with an assortment of bungee cords and luggage straps in a fairly half-assed fashion. Clearly they had not consulted any porn before tying him up. The kidnapping idea came to Carl one evening as he and Dave watched "This Week in Bible Prophecy," on the Trinity Broadcast Network. During commercial breaks Carl was ranting about the aggressive conversion of unsuspecting God fearing young red blooded heterosexual American males into faggots by the homosexual agenda, which was the focus of that weeks show "Queers and the End Time". "Dave," "Yeah Carl," "Why cant we do that." "It is perverse, morally wrong, and against everything God stands for. God HATES fags." He looked at Carl in a quizzical manner. "Carl are you trying to test me, because all I wanted was a Pepsi, ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI CARL DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" His brow was becoming rather furrowed at this point and he was becoming, as Christians tend to do, rather sweaty and red faced from shouting about his moral certitude. "Dave, I dont know WHAT youre talking about." "Well, I havent a clue what youre speaking of." Dave was blushing. How could Carl know his little secret? He had been so careful. "I meant that we could forcefully convert the heathen atheist pinko Commie secular humanist queers into God fearing red-blooded heterosexual patriotic Christian Americans." "Oh riiight. Thats what I thought you meant anyway." "Of course you did." Carl and Dave used study hall and lunch to plan tactical strategy. They picked Reed as a target since it was near Carls grandmas house and was filled with plenty of slow-moving queer atheists. Once they had the place infiltrated their participation in any number of bizarre immoral activities would be ignored. Other than kidnapping and brainwashing they weren't going to participate in any immoral activities . They dressed as hippies to fit in with the students and filched a map from Eliot, pretending to be prospective students, wandering around campus during the free time between Bible study and youth group. They wore patchouli, pretended to like the Grateful Dead, said Peace and Dude, and didnt do drugs. Everyone thought they were narcs. They were doing pretty well at hiding their identities. If the wily but heavily drugged Reedies had noticed that Dave and Carl were still in high school, their asses wouldve been kicked off campus before you could finish the phrase "Community Safety Officer." They pinned a Watchtower to Pauls shirt while he was asleep in Vollum as a trial run. They wanted to stuff a Bible in his bag, but they were stuck between the need to save his soul and the need not to get caught. Besides, they forgot their extra Bibles at Carls grandmas house and the Jehovahs witnesses had been ever so nice about giving them all those copies of Watchtower to give out. Stealing a body had been easier than they anticipated. Paul was sleeping soundly on one of the sofas in the S.U. with his bookbag propped under his head. Carl and Dave wandered in, looking nervously about for their target. They recognized Paul by the "Queer Boys Make Me Wet" sticker on his jacket and the pro-evolution Darwin fish sticker that someone had slapped on his ass. Dave noticed the fish sticker. He also noticed Pauls butt. Luckily, Carl didnt notice. Carl gave Dave the sign. Carl grabbed Pauls head and Dave grabbed his feet. Paul, who was sleeping quite soundly under the power of his favorite sleeping pills didnt even notice. They started for the door. About two feet from freedom, some mean looking ass kicking lesbians stopped them. "What are you doing with him?" "Yeah, are you creating an unsafe space? Because if you are well kick your little hippie asses." "What?" said Carl. Dave thought fast. "Hes our brother. Dude. We came here to visit with our parents and if we dont get him to Sunday brunch, like tout suite, our asses are toast." "Dave I mean Moonbeam what are you talking about?" "Shut UP little brother." Dave kicked Carl in the shin. Carl kicked Dave in the butt, but in order to do so, he had to drop Pauls head on the ground. Pauls head made a loud hollow noise as it hit the ground, but he didnt wake up. Dave dropped Pauls feet which, sneaker-encased, made very little noise. Dave grabbed Carls arm, put him in a headlock, and gave him a big juicy noogie. "You guys either really are brothers or some kind of psychos." "Hes . the psy . the psycho ." gasped Carl, who was suffering from a lack of oxygen. "Ok, youre free to go. Have a nice brunch." They waved in a grimly cheerful manner and took off for another location at which the ass kicking was presumably more plentiful. "Hey . Dave could you .let me go?" Dave let him go. "Hey Carl You want to get his bag?" "Im sorry Dave I cant do that." "Carl Do you want to live long enough to redeem this boys soul?" "Yes Dave, Im sorry Dave Ill get the bag now." |