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October '98

Ok.  It's gotta stop.  Nearly every time I go to a show I end up ovulating (for real), which means I am now officially PMSing 100% of the time. Bah.   But I'd still like to wave a happy hello to everyone who has deigned to socialize with me this month, especially those who went to Canada, eh?

King Black Acid, Dandy Warhols --La Luna

Talk about a hypersocial show.  Special guest stars abounded (er, that's in the audience, not on the stage) with New York/England's own Kate St. Claire showing up.

KBA had lovely colored programmable Xmas lights wrapped around the mikestands, which they used to their advantage.  I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the show they played last time, but that's only because I was forced to stand and couldn't order bourbon and Cokes (but that's the venue).

I don't know what was up with the Dandys mix, but it sounded weird and in places I couldn't hear Zia (not only her vocals, but at times the keyboard).  Plus, Courtney's voice sounded strained.  It is cold and flu season now though and there was lots of shirtless Courtney to make up for it.  I did enjoy myself thoroughly, so I shouldn't complain.  Brent wore the 'Don't Hate Kate' shirt, and Zia looked lovely in her slip.  And Peter, well, he always looks lovely...sigh.

Rufus Wainwright, Sloan--  Vertigo (UVic) Victoria BC

I'm still trying to get over going to Canada.  But I'll try to be semi-objective. Ha.

Rufus Wainwright is talented, cute, Canadian, and queer.  What more could you want in a singer/songwriter? He even has a crush on River Phoenix-- a man after my own heart.  He brought his sister Martha on to sing with him, and she's a talented one as well.  my only complaint was that the set was too short-- the crowd was obviously there to see Sloan and not Rufus.  And of course it wasn't helping that the Sloan boys were standing at the side of the stage (but color me guilty for going over to talk to Chris Murphy --who was wearing a Jesus Christ Superstar shirt-- like I'll ever have the chance again.)

I could gush about Sloan all day.  I've only been waiting since 1993 to see them, since they never ever play in Portland (and cancelled their last show in Seattle).  I was beaming the whole time they were on stage, except when I was getting smushed by Canadians.  Sloan is rock.  If only they played them on the radio here...  They had the crowd whipped into shape, and I finally heard the legendary Slo-an chant.

Anyway, I am now convinced that Andrew is the most underrated member of the band.  PS, he's much better looking in person-- very Stewart Copeland-esque.   And Patrick looks *so* much like Matt Hollywood, especially now that his hair is longer.  And I didn't know that Jay wears glasses! And of course, I still have a crush on Chris-- he has a Jesus Christ Superstar tshirt-- squeal.  Did I mention how talented they are?

And PS, the breakup rumors are bullshit.  Will someone convince them to tour with the Dandys already?

Bob Log III, Add N to X, John Spencer Blues Explosion-- La Luna

Bob Log is this guy who wears a helmet and plays a bass drum, a drum machine, harmonica, and badly tuned guitar and plays music that is a combination between techno, blues, rock, country, and clogging.  Sounds like a recipe for disaster, except he's actually pretty cool.  It reminded me of the time when I was watching clogging on TNN (Uh, I was waiting for Dukes of Hazzard to come on or something...) and I had this satori moment where I thought 'if you put a drum machine with clogging music it would be really kickass techno.'

Add N to X includes members of Stereolab and High Llamas (in either their touring band or the studio band, I dunno which).  They are filled with analog synthy goodness-- they own about a billion Moogs.  They were also deafeningly loud, so I was glad I brought my earplugs along.  All of their vocals were through a Vocoder, so I had to ask Veronica who they were.  I was so impressed I had to go out and buy another synth (OK, it's just another crappy Casio, don't get too excited).

I love Jon Spencer.  I would like to credit him for returning my hormones to adequate levels.  I also think Judah is a cutie patootie.  They used a playback this time, which meant we got to hear a sample of Calvin singing 'Fuck Shit Up' while JSBX played the song.  I wish they had done 'Wail,' but hey, I'm not complaining, as long as they come back again.

Magic Fingers, King Black Acid-- Satyricon

Because of all the ovulating I did approximately fourteen days ago in Canada, I ended up making Jem and myself miss all but the last of Magic Fingers' set.   D'oh.  But we didn't miss the ever-cute-and-sullen Matt Hollywood in his bunny ears.  And the song we heard rocked.  And Satyricon was packed with fly honeys of both and indeterminate sexes, among which my friends and I were counted.  Some guy proposed to me.  Causing me to ovulate again.  You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. 

Did I mention that it was Halloween and I ate way too much candy and drank way too much bourbon? But boy, a good time was had by all.   Dance nirvana was reached during the KBA set.  I think Celeste is right, they only get better.

Then we all headed over to Sean's to drink some more.  My body rejected the brown liquor and then I went home. 

Think I'm lame? Read the disclaimer before shooting your mouth off.
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At least I'm still cool to one girl: misseuropa@attbi.com
Copyright © 1998, Suzanne Baunsgard/Androgyne Amalgamated