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April 98.
Miss Murgatroid and Petra Hayden at Tonic Lounge
Let me just start by saying that Tonic Lounge has the weirdest businesses imaginable across the street. Teen Challenge Thrift (who are these teens and what are they challenged by?) and a place that specializes in booths ("I know, let's open up a booth emporium!"). And some sort of porn shop/theater. OK, porn's not really weird, especially on Sandy.
That aside, it's a pretty comfortable place to catch a show. Many seats and tables. Cheap too. Unfortunately for Veronica and I, the show didn't begin until after ten, and we thought that Miranda July, who we originally came to see was opening. Nope. Turns out she was the main act. So we only stayed to see Miss Murgatroid and Petra Hayden and ended up missing Miranda and the Spinsters.
Because we're old, okay? We get sleepy and hungry and cranky. On second thought, maybe we're regressing.
Petra and Miss Murgatroid were scheduled for separate sets, but opted to play together. It was great to see them giggling and playing together. I didn't realize Miss Murgatroid had such a good voice. My favorite was a song that Petra wrote called something like "Look Both Ways Before Crossing" the lyrics of which are "lalalalalala."
Marigold, Tra La La, The Negro Problem,
Sunset Valley
CD release party-- La Luna, balcony
I was having an argument about Marigold with one of my coworkers while I was telling one of my other coworkers (who asked) about the show. Mister Rock Boy started yelling, as soon as I mentioned them "Marigold is the most overhyped band!!" But admitted later that he's heard their demo and that it's good, and that the guys in Marigold are "really nice." I would just like to state for the record that I think that he has a really bullshit attitude. I could mention bands from Portland and surrounding area that I do or don't like and say they are 'overhyped' but I don't because I don't need the approval of other indie rock types. I know Marigold aren't (insert indie rock darlings here) but they rock, they are cute, and they make me happy. So Nyah Mister Rock Boy. I don't need your approval. I guess what I'm saying is that as usual, I enjoyed them. Me and the other ten people who showed before 10:30.
Tra La La was really cool. They have a sort of an early Breeders sound, which complimented Sunset Valley's Pixies leanings.
I was kind of confused by The Negro Problem's set. Not in a bad way. Probably my ears are clogged with wax from seeing about a billion Portland bands and listening to a bunch of real and faux Britpop. So I wasn't prepared for real, actual, honest to god non Britpop type pop band. They didn't even really sound 'alternative.' Maybe it's just that they sounded *happy*. I was so busy being boggled by this that I couldn't really figure out how I felt about them. But I think it's definitely worthwhile to see them, and a couple of their songs caught my ear.
Sunset Valley have a new CD out called 'The New Speed.' Go buy it. They're great live and everyone who's heard the CD says good things about it. I don't have a copy of it yet; I bought a shirt instead. C'mon, they do 'The Porpoise Song,' how could you not love them?
Think I'm lame? read the disclaimer before shooting
your mouth off.
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Copyright © 1998, Suzanne Baunsgard/Simian Angel/Androgyne Amalgamated